By Marcos Cáceres and Bruce Lawson. Update 26 September 2014 The initial work for Manifest in Chromium M39 is done, and Marcos (more or less) finished coding the processor a few months ago. “I’m hoping to see it in fxos 2.2“, he said from the pool of his gorgeous Malibu home.) Update 11 November 2014 […]
The W3C App Manifest specification
Responsive images – end of year report
It’s nearly two years since I suggested a <picture> element as a strawman proposal as a way to solve the problem of responsive images, so let’s have a look at how we’re doing.
Interview with Steve Faulkner: HTML5 editor and new doctor
Steve Faulkner – invariably prefixed by the honorific “The Mighty” by those who know him – is Australian living in London with his wife and two kids. He works for The Paciello Group, a well-known web accessibility consultancy, and is a co-editor of the HTML5 spec at W3C Today, we’re pleased to announce that he’s […]
Interview with Ian Hickson, HTML editor
Hot on the heels of our interview with Robin Berjon, editor of HTML5 at W3C, over the weekend I interviewed Ian Hickson, editor of HTML “The Living Standard” at WHATWG and, arguably, the most influential individual working on the Web today. Hickson, known as “Hixie”, works for Google and previously worked for Opera (my employer) and Netscape.
Review: Pro HTML5 Accessibility by Joshue O Connor
TL;DR: this is a good book, let down by a bad tech editor and a publisher who has low production values.
Interview with Robin Berjon, HTML5 editor
At the recent Apps World expo in London, Doctor Bruce spoke on a panel with Robin Berjon, recently appointed W3C HTML5 editor. He took the opportunity to ask Robin some questions on process, living standards and male grooming.
Review: The Truth About HTML5 For Web Designers
The Truth About HTML5 For Web Designersis an ebook self-published by Australian developer Luke Stevens. I disagree with some of Stevens’ conclusions, particularly in his discusssion of the new semantics, but it’s solidly researched and lots of fun if you like hearing someone with strong opinions rant for a while (as I do). I enjoyed reading his book and, for the price, recommend that you have a look.
HTML5 adaptive images: end of round one
After The Great Vendor Prefix Hullaballoo of April 2012 comes The Great Responsive Images Brouhaha of May 2012. We look at the main competing formats for adding adaptive images to HTML – the <picture>
element, and the <img srcset="">
It's Curtains for Marital Strife Thanks to getUserMedia
HTML5 (or now, the WebRTC spec) gives us getUserMedia, a way for JavaScript to access streams from a device’s camera and microphone. Find out how to use it and normalise the syntax differences between Opera and Chrome with the gUMshield.
HTML5: briefing notes for journalists and analysts
Your friendly neighbourhood doctors are often contacted by journalists and analysts who have questions about HTML5, usually from a consumer of business perspective. This is great, as we spend many more hours every week mutely shaking our heads while reading the ill-informed columns from journalists or analysts who haven’t contacted us.