The latest round of HTML5 prescriptions is in! This week, we’ll briefly cover the HTML5 vs Flash debate, whether to use <body>
or <div>
, HTML5 rich text editors, and the HTML5 charset and doctype.
Your Questions Answered #12
Your Questions Answered #3
We’re back with our (semi) regular round up of answering readers HTML5 related questions. Right, let’s not mess about any longer and dive straight in with the questions.
Absent Elements and Validation
We received the below question from Guy Carberry who was wondering what affect changing the doctype on your HTML or XHTML pages to the HTML 5 doctype will have on those elements that are deprecated current draft.
HTML5 Boilerplates
Without going into the discussion of why HTML 5 is available today and not 2022, this article is going to give you a series of HTML 5 boilerplates that you can use in your projects right now. HTML 5 in 5 seconds It’s über easy to get your markup to validate as HTML 5 — […]