Posts Tagged ‘dt’

The dl element

The <dl> element existed in HTML 4, but it’s been repurposed in HTML5. Let the Doctor explain what’s changed and how it can be used.

dd-details wrong again

This article has been superseded. It’s here for historical reasons only. <details> now uses a <summary> element; <figure> uses <figcaption>. You may recall that I blogged about legend not being so legend as the heading element for details or figure. After enough noise was made the spec was changed so that the heading and contents […]

September HTML5 spec changes

September being one month before the HTML5 spec goes to last call in October, there’s been a few significant changes to the HTML5 spec that we wanted to briefly share with our patients.

A little more conversation with dialog

Less action, more conversation. That’s how that Elvis song went, right? OK, perhaps not. Regardless, the new dialog element introduced in HTML 5 is all about marking up the conversation, and it uses a couple of elements you may have already heard of. Sure, it’s a little less action than something like audio, but it is still a useful element to semantically mark up many forms of dialogue.