Posts Tagged ‘footer’

Your Questions #14

The clinic is getting busy with more HTML5 ailments. This week, we’ll cover questions about aside, blogging platforms, stylesheet links, id attribute validation and a mammoth semantic journey.

Your Questions Answered #10

The clinic is getting busy with more HTML5 ailments. This week, we’ll cover using sections within a footer, <canvas> vs. Flash security, why HTML5 elements are treated as inline, using offline with storage, and marking up block quotes.

Your Questions Answered #8

We’re back with more of your questions (and our answers) about HTML5. In this article, we’ll discuss using a <footer> at the top of your markup, how to skip to certain parts of a video, styling form elements and attributes, and more.

The Footer Element Update

When I wrote the previous version of this article a few months ago, I knew, as I’m sure many of you also knew, that this element in particular would be subject to change as the HTML5 spec neared it’s completion. The problem was simple, the footer element just didn’t feel 'complete', it just didn’t offer the same flexibility as other elements. Now that’s changed.

September HTML5 spec changes

September being one month before the HTML5 spec goes to last call in October, there’s been a few significant changes to the HTML5 spec that we wanted to briefly share with our patients.

Designing a blog with html5

This article was updated 27 May 2014 to use the <main> element to denote the main content of the page (was previously <div>). Much of HTML 5’s feature set involves JavaScript APIs that make it easier to develop interactive web pages but there are a slew of new elements that allow you extra semantics in […]

The footer element

For some time now we’ve become accustomed to seeing <div id=”footer”> at the bottom of web pages but with the introduction of HTML 5 it’s time to say goodbye. With the addition of the new <footer> element we now have more scope and flexibility.