A complete list of all our posts grouped accordingly in order to get you started with HTML5 or to help you understand the specification and specific elements a little more.
HTML5 Getting Started
HTML5 Semantics
- The header element
- The footer element – (this has been superseded by the below article)
- The footer element
- Understanding aside – (this has been superseded by the below article)
- Aside Revisted
- Semantic navigation with the nav element
- A little more conversation with dialog – (The dialog element has been removed from the working draft of the spec)
- Draw attention with mark
- The section element
- Measure up with the meter tag
- The Address Element
- Hello, summary and figcaption elements
- The Time Element
- The i, b, em & strong elements
- The small & hr elements
- The hgroup element – (The hgroup element has been removed from the specification, see this article on how to mark up subtitles etc.)
- The nsfw element
- The figure & figcaption elements
- The ruby element and her hawt friends, rt and rp
- The article element
- The dl element
- You can still use div
- The abbr element
- Quoting and citing with blockquote, q, cite, and the cite attribute
- Document Outlines
- The details and summary elements
- The return of the u element
- The output element
- The ol Element and Related Attributes: type, start, value, and reversed
- The main element
- Comparing and contrasting ins, del, and s
- Cite and blockquote reloaded
New Attributes
Sexy new HTML5 elements
Extend HTML5
Javascript Goodness
- Native Drag and Drop
- Accessibility and Native Drag and Drop
- Introducing Web SQL Databases
- HTML5 Custom Data Attributes
- Methods of Communication
- Go offline with application cache
- Finding your position with geolocation
- Storing Data the Simple HTML5 Way (and a few tricks you might not have known)
- Pushing and popping with the History API
- Server-Sent Events (or EventSource)
- It’s Curtains for Marital Strife Thanks to getUserMedia
- Drag and Drop and Automatically send to the server
- The classList API
- The Web Manifest Specification
Things to watch out for
- Multimedia troubleshooting
- dd-details wrong again
- Legend not such a legend anymore
- “Block-level” links in HTML5
- HTML5 and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
- The hgroup hokey cokey
- Avoiding common HTML5 mistakes
- Goodbye time, datetime and pubdate. Hello data and value.
- How to mark up subheadings, subtitles, alternative titles and taglines
- 2022, or when will HTML5 be ready?
- It’s bug report time
- September HTML5 Spec Changes
- Why designers should care about HTML5
- Introducing the HTML5 Glossary
- YouTube and Vimeo support HTML5 video
- HTML5 Clinic at Web Directions @media
- Happy 1st Birthday us
- .net awards nomination
- Two cheers for the W3C’s HTML5 logo
- HTML as a Living Standard — For and Against
- HTML5 for Web Developers
- How to get all the browsers playing ball
- The Doctors win a Critter Award
- Injecting new life in the Doctor
- HTML5 Briefing notes for journalists and analysts
- Dive into HTML5 … on HTML5 Doctor
- HTML5 Doctor Drop-In Clinic
- Latest News: An awards win and DuckDuckGo plugin