Your Questions Answered #5

We’re back with our first round up of your questions for 2010. In this article we’ll be covering a range of topics including sections and sectioning, the img element, scaling video and a proposal for a field element.

YouTube and Vimeo support HTML5 Video

Unless you’ve been hiding under an XHTML2 shaped rock for the past week or so you’ll know that both YouTube and Vimeo have announced plans to support the HTML5 video element.

Your Questions Answered #4

Here we go with another post rounding up your HTML5 questions and sharing the answers with the world. We cover a wide range of topics this time, inlcluding ARIA, storage, offline capabilities, and document outlines, so read on to find the answers. We also want to know what areas of HTML5 you’d like us to […]

Your Questions Answered #3

We’re back with our (semi) regular round up of answering readers HTML5 related questions. Right, let’s not mess about any longer and dive straight in with the questions.

Absent Elements and Validation

We received the below question from Guy Carberry who was wondering what affect changing the doctype on your HTML or XHTML pages to the HTML 5 doctype will have on those elements that are deprecated current draft.

HTML5 Reset Stylesheet

We’ve had a number of people asking about templates, boilerplates and styling for HTML 5 so to give you all a helping hand and continue on from those basic building blocks that Remy talked about last week I’ve created a HTML 5 reset stylesheet for you to take away and use, edit, amend and update in your projects.

Your questions answered #1

One week on since our official launch and we’ve been overwhelmed by your response to the site. It’s great to see a large number of you wanting to get involved with the discussion relating to HTML 5 and asking about what you can and can’t do as well as the pro’s and cons of the specification. In this post we’re going to cover a few of the questions we’ve received that don’t require a full post answer but still need to be addressed.

The header element

Recently, we have seen a growing interest in HTML5 and its adoption by web professionals. Within the HTML5 specification we can see that there have been a significant number of new elements added, one of these the <header> element is what we’ll be covering in this post. We’ll talk about when to use it, when […]