Archive for the ‘JavaScript APIs’ Category

The W3C App Manifest specification

By Marcos Cáceres and Bruce Lawson. Update 26 September 2014 The initial work for Manifest in Chromium M39 is done, and Marcos (more or less) finished coding the processor a few months ago. “I’m hoping to see it in fxos 2.2“, he said from the pool of his gorgeous Malibu home.) Update 11 November 2014 […]

The classList API

I have to be honest with you: I feel like a fraud writing about JavaScript for HTML5 Doctor. I would feel like a fraud writing about JavaScript for a click-driven ad-splattered content farm, never mind HTML5 Doctor. The thing is though, I’m writing about the classList API, and it’s super easy. If your JavaScript-fu isn’t great and you’re wary of HTML5 APIs, this one is at the perfect temperature for toe-dipping, and it’ll leave you pleasantly surprised at just how easy it is.

Taking Web Audio Offline in iOS 6 Safari

Playing cached audio for offline use on iOS Safari has long been a challenge that has proved to be mission impossible. But with the advent of the WebKit-only, it is now finally achievable — although you still need to jump through a few hoops.

HTML5 Audio — The State of Play

Guest doctor Mark Boas returns with a follow up to his 2009 article Native Audio in the Browser, which covers the basics of HTML5 audio. Read the original if you want to get a feel for the <audio> element and associated API. If not, get comfortable and dive deep to learn about the current state of play for HTML5 audio.

Drag and Drop and Automatically Send to the Server

I realised (when looking myself) that there are a lot of demos and tutorials that show you how to drag-and-drop a file into the browser and then render it on the page. They're often labelled as "drag-and-drop and upload", but they actually don't upload. This tutorial will take you that final step.

Server-Sent Events

We’ve already had a glimpse at Server-Sent Events (also known as EventSource, and I’ll switch between the two to keep you on your toes) in my Methods of Communication article from last year. In this article, I want to delve in to more detail about the SSE API, demonstrate its features, and even show you how to polyfill browsers that lack EventSource support.

Pushing and Popping with the History API

Until recently, we developers couldn’t to do much with the state and history of the browser. We could check the number of items in the history and push users forwards and backwards, but this provides little benefit to the user. With the rise of more dynamic web pages, we need more control. Thankfully, HTML5 gives […]

Finding your position with Geolocation

The Geolocation API provides a method to locate the user’s exact (more or less – see below) position. This is useful in a number of ways ranging from providing a user with location specific information to providing route navigation.