TL;DR: this is a good book, let down by a bad tech editor and a publisher who has low production values.
Review: Pro HTML5 Accessibility by Joshue O Connor
Review: HTML5 Multimedia: Develop and Design
With a number of HTML5 books now available, we’re starting to see them cover more specific areas of HTML5. HTML5 Multimedia: Develop and Design, written by fellow HTML5 Doctor Ian Devlin, focusses on native multimedia in HTML5. Read my review below to find out what it’s all about. Disclosure: Ian is a friend of mine […]
Review: The Truth About HTML5 For Web Designers
The Truth About HTML5 For Web Designersis an ebook self-published by Australian developer Luke Stevens. I disagree with some of Stevens’ conclusions, particularly in his discusssion of the new semantics, but it’s solidly researched and lots of fun if you like hearing someone with strong opinions rant for a while (as I do). I enjoyed reading his book and, for the price, recommend that you have a look.
Review: HTML5 Now (DVD)
We all learn in different ways. Some of us are readers or writers, some are kinesthetic learners, some prefer video or audio. If you fall into either of the latter two categories, Tantek Çelik’s DVD HTML5 Now might just be for you.
Review: HTML5 Designing Rich Internet Applications
HTML5: Designing Rich Internet Applications by Matthew David (Focal Press). I’ll be honest and up front, this is a pretty negative review. I’ve been sitting on it for months, but decided to post it as people have asked our opinion of this book.
Reviewing HTML5 for Web Designers
HTML5 for Web Designers, written by Jeremy Keith, is the first book to be published under the A Book Apart brand, founded by Mandy Brown, Jason Santa Maria, and Jeffrey Zeldman.