HTML5 Doctor Speaking and Training Appearances

by .

Even after slaving away at the web’s operating table, the HTML5 Doctors still find time to speak about HTML5 at industry events. We’d like to make sure you don’t miss out on future chances to see the doctors in action.

For your convenience, we’ve put together a list of events where we’ll be speaking and even the ones we’re simply attending. Read on for some of our upcoming HTML5 appearances.

We’ll continue to maintain this page with new listings, so check back often. Otherwise you might miss us!

Upcoming Talks

Here are some of the HTML5 talks we will be giving at various events. Make sure you mark them down in your calendars!

In Attendance

Of course, we aren’t always talking. We still attend events to listen to talks ourselves. If you see us there, come and say hi.

Run an event? Get in touch!

If you organise an event or workshop and would like us to speak (or you’d just like to see us there), then we’d love to hear from you.

2 Responses on the article “HTML5 Doctor Speaking and Training Appearances”

  • […] posted here: HTML5Doctor Speaking and Training Appearances | HTML5 Doctor If you enjoyed this article please consider sharing […]

  • ear doctor says:

    Thanks heaps to the author!

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