Posts Tagged ‘div’

Your Questions Answered #12

The latest round of HTML5 prescriptions is in! This week, we’ll briefly cover the HTML5 vs Flash debate, whether to use <body> or <div>, HTML5 rich text editors, and the HTML5 charset and doctype.

You can still use div

“Sorry, can you say that again?”, I hear you ask. Certainly: you can still use <div>! Despite HTML5 bringing us new elements like <article>, <section>, and <aside>, the <div> element still has its place. Let the HTML5 Doctor tell you why.

Your Questions Answered #7

Here we are again with another round up of patient questions about HTML5. In this article, we’ll be covering a host of topics including AJAX, the eternal question of div or section, how to markup multiple blocks of content in a sidebar and using header with hgroup.