Posts Tagged ‘javascript’

Drag and Drop and Automatically Send to the Server

I realised (when looking myself) that there are a lot of demos and tutorials that show you how to drag-and-drop a file into the browser and then render it on the page. They're often labelled as "drag-and-drop and upload", but they actually don't upload. This tutorial will take you that final step.

Methods of communication

By now, you've surely realised that 'HTML5' is so much more than just markup. There's also an army of associated JavaScript APIs. Among the ranks are a few new technologies that open up how we communicate between client and server and across documents. Let's take a look.

Extending HTML5 — Microdata

For those who like (to argue about) semantics, HTML5 is fantastic. Old presentational elements now have new semantic meanings, there’s a slew of new semantic elements for us to argue about, and we've even in<cite>d a riot or two. But that's not all! Also in HTML5 is microdata, a new lightweight semantic meta-syntax. Using attributes, we can define nestable groups of name-value pairs of data, called microdata, which are generally based on the page’s content. It gives us a whole new way to add extra semantic information and extend HTML5.

Introducing Web SQL Databases

The Web SQL database API isn’t actually part of the HTML5 specification, but it is part of the suite of specifications that allows us developers to build fully fledged web applications, so it was about time we dug around and checked out the deal.

Your Questions Answered #3

We’re back with our (semi) regular round up of answering readers HTML5 related questions. Right, let’s not mess about any longer and dive straight in with the questions.

Accessibility & Native Drag and Drop

A few days before my native drag and drop article came out Gez Lemon wrote about accessibility in drag and drop, and touched on HTML 5. I then promised to look at implementing accessibility with native drag and drop, and here’s my findings.

Native Drag and Drop

Along with an army of JavaScript APIs, HTML 5 comes with a Drag and Drop (DnD) API that brings native DnD support to the browser making it much easier to code up. HTML 5 DnD is based on Microsoft’s original implementation which was available as early as Internet Explorer 5! Now currently supported in IE, […]

How to get HTML5 working in IE and Firefox 2

HTML 5 may be the latest and greatest technology, but some browsers don’t have native support for the new semantic elements. Let’s momentarily forget about the really sexy functionality, like full control over the <video> element, and just focus on getting the elements rendered. The problematic A-grade browsers include IE 8 and below, Firefox 2, […]