Archive for the ‘CSS’ Category

Comparing and contrasting ins, del, and s

Since the mists of HTML 2 we’ve been able to semantically indicate added or removed information using the elements <ins> and <del> respectively. While seemingly simple on the surface these elements have hidden depths. I’ll also compare and contrast <del> with <s>, recently out of font style rehab and back in HTML5. Let’s start with <ins> and <del>

The return of the u element

The <u> element was deprecated in HTML 4 and non-conforming in HTML5, but a couple of use cases have seen it return from the dead. Are the use cases enough to persuade you that it’s a phoenix not a zombie?

The scoped attribute

The scoped attribute for the style element allows you to include styles mid-document that targets a specific element and its children. Depending upon how you look at this, it’ll either be a godsend or a curse. Once you’ve reached the end of this article, I hope you can form your own opinion.

Quoting and citing with <blockquote>, <q>, <cite>, and the cite attribute

Given HTML’s roots in the academic world, it should be no surprise that quoting is well-accomodated in the elements blockquote and q, with their optional cite attribute. In addition, there’s the cite element, which over the last nine years went from ‘semantic orphan element made good’ to one of the more contentious elements in HTML5. Let’s power up the endoscope and examine the scarring, starting with blockquote.

HTML5 Reset Stylesheet

We’ve had a number of people asking about templates, boilerplates and styling for HTML 5 so to give you all a helping hand and continue on from those basic building blocks that Remy talked about last week I’ve created a HTML 5 reset stylesheet for you to take away and use, edit, amend and update in your projects.