Recently, main was formally added to the W3C HTML specification. Now that the dust has settled, it’s about time we dive in to find out where and when it’s appropriate to use main. Let’s get started.
The main element
HTML5 forms input types
In the first article in this series we looked at the history of HTML5 forms and many of the new attributes available to us. In this second and final part of the series, we’ll look at the new input types available in HTML5. As we’ll see, these new features will go a long way toward making your life easier while delivering a delightful user experience. The best thing about all this? You can start using them now.
HTML5 forms introduction and new attributes
No doubt you interact with at least one form on the Web every day. Whether you’re searching for content or logging in to your e-mail account or Facebook page, using online forms is one of the most common tasks performed on the Web. As designers and developers, creating forms has a certain monotony about it, particularly writing validation scripts for them. HTML5 introduces a number of new attributes, input types, and other elements for your markup toolkit. In this article we’ll be focussing on the new attributes with a future article looking at the new input types.
The progress element
When building web sites and web applications, we often need to provide essential feedback to a user informing them of the progress of their request or task, be it uploading a file, playing a video, or importing data. HTML5 makes life easier for us by defining an element whose sole purpose is just that: the […]
Simplequiz #7: Pinterest
One of our readers commented on an article a while ago (I won’t tell you which one just now ;) asking about marking up items on Pinterest. It struck me that this would be a prime candidate for a Simplequiz, so here we are.
Review: Pro HTML5 Accessibility by Joshue O Connor
TL;DR: this is a good book, let down by a bad tech editor and a publisher who has low production values.
Taking Web Audio Offline in iOS 6 Safari
Playing cached audio for offline use on iOS Safari has long been a challenge that has proved to be mission impossible. But with the advent of the WebKit-only, it is now finally achievable — although you still need to jump through a few hoops.
Your HTML5 Questions 20
We’re back again to answer some more of your questions. This time we’ve included a bonus answer so you’ve got six to go at, rather than the usual 5. In this post cover a XMLHttpRequest query, how to define sections, understanding outlines, what markup to use for a social bar, using HTML5 with a legacy site and hidden headings for accessibility.
Your HTML5 Questions 19
As you may have noticed, we’ve not written one of these posts in a while. That’s not down to us not receiving them, though. Government cutbacks have hit health services hard, so decisions had to be made. Well, that and the fact that we’ve all just been manically busy with our day jobs.
HTML5 Audio — The State of Play
Guest doctor Mark Boas returns with a follow up to his 2009 article Native Audio in the Browser, which covers the basics of HTML5 audio. Read the original if you want to get a feel for the <audio>
element and associated API. If not, get comfortable and dive deep to learn about the current state of play for HTML5 audio.