Archive for the ‘Browser Compatibility’ Category

Legend not such a legend anymore

Lately I decided I was going to recreate the interactive features of the details element using JavaScript (apparently the same day as fellow Brightonian Jeremy Keith). However I ran in to some very serious issues with the tag, so serious, in it’s current state, it’s unusable.

Native Audio in the browser

Until very recently the ability to play any type of audio within a browser involved using Adobe Flash or other browser plugins. Although Adobe's Flash player is without doubt the most ubiquitous of these, most developers and designers would agree it is better not to rely on a plugin at all. Now thanks to HTML 5 and the browsers that implement its audio tag we can play audio natively within the browser.

HTML5 Reset Stylesheet

We’ve had a number of people asking about templates, boilerplates and styling for HTML 5 so to give you all a helping hand and continue on from those basic building blocks that Remy talked about last week I’ve created a HTML 5 reset stylesheet for you to take away and use, edit, amend and update in your projects.

2022, or when will HTML 5 be ready?

Aside from being the year Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate her Platinum Jubilee, assuming she’s still kicking around, 2022 is the year that’s been inappropriately linked with HTML 5 in the minds of a lot of our community. I understand why someone might think that, but it’s wrong. 2022 was misinterpreted as the year HTML 5 would be ready. That’s wrong. HTML 5 is ready today.


I like the xhtml syntax. It’s how I learned. I’m used to lowercase code, quoted attributes and trailing slashes on elements like br and img. They make me feel nice and comfy, like a cup of Ovaltine and The Evil Dead on the telly. But you might not. You might want SHOUTY UPPERCASE tags, no […]

How to get HTML5 working in IE and Firefox 2

HTML 5 may be the latest and greatest technology, but some browsers don’t have native support for the new semantic elements. Let’s momentarily forget about the really sexy functionality, like full control over the <video> element, and just focus on getting the elements rendered. The problematic A-grade browsers include IE 8 and below, Firefox 2, […]