You’re obviously here because you’re interested in HTML5. You might even be here because the thought of reading the HTML5 spec on the W3C site gives you nightmares. Well, fear not, for you shall be able to sleep easy once again! We’ve just launched the HTML5 glossary.
HTML5 Doctor Glossary
The Address Element
element has been around since the HTML3 spec was drafted in 1995, and it continues to survive in the latest drafts of HTML5. But nearly fifteen years after its creation, it's still causing confusion among developers. So how should we be using address
in our documents?
Aside Revisited
Since the HTML5 specification is not yet final, we can expect changes to improve on the good bits and cut out the bad bits. aside
— a misunderstood good bit — has now been tweaked based on feedback from the web development community. In this article, we’ll take a look at what’s changed.
Your Questions Answered #3
We’re back with our (semi) regular round up of answering readers HTML5 related questions. Right, let’s not mess about any longer and dive straight in with the questions.
Why designers should care about HTML5
After a while on the fringes of our collective consciousness, HTML5 is finally getting the attention it deserves. The development community (as typified by the SuperFriends) has come together to debate practical elements of the spec, argue over the inclusion of controversial elements, and assess the timeframe over which we can unleash HTML5 in the wild.
Measure up with the meter tag
HTML5 offers several useful new elements, to add further meaning to the markup of a page. These new elements include time, mark and here is another one, meter. It is an inline element so it can be used inside most elements, including a header or a paragraph. What does it say in the spec? The […]
September HTML5 spec changes
September being one month before the HTML5 spec goes to last call in October, there’s been a few significant changes to the HTML5 spec that we wanted to briefly share with our patients.
The section element
We doctors are a bunch of chums using HTML5 and writing about how we do it. And we realise that we’ve been using the section
element incorrectly all this time. Sorry.
HTML5 Reset Stylesheet
We’ve had a number of people asking about templates, boilerplates and styling for HTML 5 so to give you all a helping hand and continue on from those basic building blocks that Remy talked about last week I’ve created a HTML 5 reset stylesheet for you to take away and use, edit, amend and update in your projects.