Guest doctor Mark Boas returns with a follow up to his 2009 article Native Audio in the Browser, which covers the basics of HTML5 audio. Read the original if you want to get a feel for the <audio>
element and associated API. If not, get comfortable and dive deep to learn about the current state of play for HTML5 audio.
HTML5 Audio — The State of Play
Drag and Drop and Automatically Send to the Server
I realised (when looking myself) that there are a lot of demos and tutorials that show you how to drag-and-drop a file into the browser and then render it on the page. They're often labelled as "drag-and-drop and upload", but they actually don't upload. This tutorial will take you that final step.
CSS3 Pseudo-Classes and HTML5 Forms
Guest Doctor Peter Gasston takes a look at how new CSS3 Pseudo-classes align perfectly with HTML5 Forms.
The ol Element and Related Attributes: type, start, value, and reversed
The <ol>
element has a new attribute reversed
in HTML5. In addition, a couple of related attributes purged in HTML 4 have made a return, namely start
and type
for <ol>
, and value
for <li>
. Making things more interesting, the returning attributes were removed from HTML 4 for being presentational. So why are they back? Let’s investigate…
HTML5 Doctor Drop-In Clinic
Got an itch? A problem that’s slowing you down? Need someone to answer your question? If email just doesn’t quite patch you up, you should stop by the HTML5 Doctor IRC channel.
It's Curtains for Marital Strife Thanks to getUserMedia
HTML5 (or now, the WebRTC spec) gives us getUserMedia, a way for JavaScript to access streams from a device’s camera and microphone. Find out how to use it and normalise the syntax differences between Opera and Chrome with the gUMshield.
Server-Sent Events
We’ve already had a glimpse at Server-Sent Events (also known as EventSource, and I’ll switch between the two to keep you on your toes) in my Methods of Communication article from last year. In this article, I want to delve in to more detail about the SSE API, demonstrate its features, and even show you how to polyfill browsers that lack EventSource support.
The contenteditable attribute
For some time now, we’ve been using various technologies to edit and store text within a web browser. Now with the contenteditable
attribute, things have got a whole lot easier. In this article, I’ll tell you what this attribute is for, how it works, and how we can take things further.
The output element
Across the web, you’ll see a range of sites that feature calculators for working out things like loan repayments, mortgage rates, tax, insurance, and more. Until now, we’ve had no way of semantically marking up the result of those calculations. Enter: the <output>
element! In this article, we’ll show you <output>
and some related JavaScript tricks. Let’s get cracking.
Video Subtitling and WebVTT
We’ve been able to play video in the browser without a plugin for a couple of years now, and whilst there are still some codec annoyances, things appear to have settled down on the video front. The next step is adding resources to the video to make it more accessible and provide more options to the viewer.