Until recently, we developers couldn’t to do much with the state and history of the browser. We could check the number of items in the history and push users forwards and backwards, but this provides little benefit to the user. With the rise of more dynamic web pages, we need more control. Thankfully, HTML5 gives […]
Pushing and Popping with the History API
The return of the u element
The <u>
element was deprecated in HTML 4 and non-conforming in HTML5, but a couple of use cases have seen it return from the dead. Are the use cases enough to persuade you that it’s a phoenix not a zombie?
Dive into HTML5… on HTML5 Doctor
We were surprised and saddened when Mark Pilgrim decided to retire from the internet and take his writing, including “Dive into HTML5” with him. However the interwebs have your back. We’re adding a mirror of the book here to add to the growing list, and plan to help keep it updated. So long Mark, and thanks for all the <>!
Review: HTML5 Now (DVD)
We all learn in different ways. Some of us are readers or writers, some are kinesthetic learners, some prefer video or audio. If you fall into either of the latter two categories, Tantek Çelik’s DVD HTML5 Now might just be for you.
HTML5: briefing notes for journalists and analysts
Your friendly neighbourhood doctors are often contacted by journalists and analysts who have questions about HTML5, usually from a consumer of business perspective. This is great, as we spend many more hours every week mutely shaking our heads while reading the ill-informed columns from journalists or analysts who haven’t contacted us.
The scoped attribute
The scoped attribute for the style element allows you to include styles mid-document that targets a specific element and its children. Depending upon how you look at this, it’ll either be a godsend or a curse. Once you’ve reached the end of this article, I hope you can form your own opinion.
Your Questions 18
The clinic is getting busy with more HTML5 ailments. This week, we’ll discuss name-value pairs, e-commerce with HTML5, lightboxes and modal windows, why we need new elements, and optional subtitles.
Storing Data the Simple HTML5 Way (and a few tricks you might not have known)
This post is about the Web Storage API. Technically it’s been shifted out of the HTML5 specification and can now be found in it’s very own dedicated spec. But if it counts at all – it used to be part of the Web Applications spec.
The details and summary elements
How often have you had to write some JavaScript to create an interactive widget that shows and hides some content? You might’ve even downloaded a whole JavaScript library to achieve such an effect. Well, it’s time to rejoice! HTML5 provides a way to create this toggle feature with just a few lines of HTML and no JavaScript in sight. And so we introduce to you the details element.
Avoiding common HTML5 mistakes
Between curating sites for the HTML5 gallery and answering readers’ questions here at HTML5 Doctor, I see a host of HTML5 sites and their underlying markup. In this post, I’ll show you some of the mistakes and poor markup practices I often see and explain how to avoid them.